Showing posts with label AGORAPHOBIA TREATMENT ONLINE. Show all posts
Showing posts with label AGORAPHOBIA TREATMENT ONLINE. Show all posts


Agoraphobia Help from Home

 Agoraphobia Help from Home

Agoraphobia online support - Skype Therapy for help overcoming agoraphobia

Welcome. My name is Peter Strong and I'm a professional psychotherapist specializing in mindfulness therapy for the treatment of anxiety disorders, including agoraphobia. So if you're looking for online support for agoraphobia then this is a good service for you to consider. Just go to my website and read more about this online therapy service and the mindfulness therapy approach for agoraphobia, and email me with any questions you may have. 

So mindfulness therapy is one of the most effective ways of treating anxiety disorders such as agoraphobia. What it does is it teaches you how to break free from this central problem that we call Reactive Identification. This is where we become overwhelmed by thoughts and emotional reactions that get triggered, and it's very important to break this habit because every time we become overwhelmed and become identified with our thoughts and with our emotions we feed those emotions and they become stronger and this simply intensifies the anxiety. 

The approach to overcoming agoraphobia is one of mindfulness-based exposure therapy. It's fairly straightforward. Basically, you will design a number of challenges that you will prepare for each and every day. And you start with very simple challenges that you can do with very little anxiety. But nevertheless you prepare for that challenge, whether it's walking outside into the garden or walking around the corner. That's often a big trigger for many agoraphobics when they can no longer see their house. Whatever the challenge we practice for it beforehand. And that's really what makes mindfulness-based exposure therapy for agoraphobia somewhat different than more conventional approaches. 

We do this by playing through the challenge in our mind, we imagine ourselves doing the challenge, but we would then watch for any anxiety that gets triggered in the mind. And this is before we do the challenge. 

When we notice that anxiety that gets triggered by the thoughts of walking around the garden, or around the block or whatever it might be. Then we focus our conscious awareness, our mindfulness skills on that emotion with two purposes in mind. The first purpose is to establish a relationship with that emotion which is conscious and in which you do not become overwhelmed, is not reactively identify with that emotion, you're able to be with the fear but not become afraid. So that's the first essential part of training and preparation before you do any of your challenges. 

The second part of preparing for our challenge is to work with the emotion itself and help it heal, help it resolve, help it reduce its intensity, again before you ever do the challenge itself. And there's a number of ways that we do this, but yet again the most effective first step is to establish a relationship with your fear in which you are not afraid. So you are effectively being with your emotion and not feeding that fear. So you, in that process, develop more and more freedom from that fear. You become stronger by sitting with that fear. 

We also work with other factors which contribute to the anxiety such as the imagery of the fear, how you see it and the mind is absolutely central to how the motion works. And typically the fear is very large and very close and that's what causes that fear to manifest. When we start to investigate this imagery we can change it because we have a conscious relationship with it. When you change the imagery you most definitely change the emotion. So that's another very important part of mindfulness therapy which is part of the training that you will do yourself before you do your challenge. 

I will teach you how to do these two steps involved in preparation for your challenges. And when you practice this in this very strategic focused way and then you will most definitely diminish that anxiety until you feel completely confident and comfortable in doing your first challenge and then moving on to a harder challenge. And in this way we progress until we overcome the agoraphobia altogether. 

So if you'd like to learn more about how to do all this simply go to my website and please send me an email and we can schedule some therapy sessions at a time that works for you. 

Agoraphobia Help Online via Skype

Agoraphobia Help from Home

Best Online Help for Agoraphobia

 Best Online Help for Agoraphobia

Agoraphobia Therapy Online through Skype

Welcome. My name is Peter Strong and I'm a professional psychotherapist specializing in online therapy. I offer online therapy for agoraphobia. 

So, agoraphobia online therapy is very effective for people who really can't get out of the house to work with a therapist in their local area. 

So, during these sessions that I offer via Skype, I focus on teaching you very effective mindfulness-based methods of working with your anxiety and panic attacks. 

The real important thing to understand here is that Agoraphobia is really a psychological habit. I prefer to call it a habit rather than a disorder because when you start labeling these psychological states as disorders that tends to reinforce your sense of helplessness as a victim, and we don't want to do that. 

The actual mechanism that generates the anxiety and panic attacks of agoraphobia is a habit and habits can be changed. So during online agoraphobia therapy sessions I will guide you in how to work with the underlying emotions and thought patterns that supports that anxiety. 

We do this in a surprising way. We actually learn to make friends with our fear. This is very, very important. You can't change the belief when it has a very strong emotional charge based on fear. No amount of rational arguments or persuasion that you don't need to feel this way is going to change that anxiety. You have to learn to work with the anxiety directly. And that's what you do during mindfulness therapy. We actually learn to meditate on your own fear as you imagine walking or traveling out of your safe zone. 

So, we set up a series of challenges, exposures, if you like, where you choose to do a particularly difficult exercise but one that you can manage. But then we prepare for this by playing it through in the mind it might be walking around the block or just simply leaving the house for a few minutes, whatever it might be. We design a challenge and then we prepare for it by meditating on it. We play it through in the mind and then we look for the fear reactions and we look for the thought reactions that feed that fear and then we develop a mindfulness-based relationship with these emotions and thoughts, and that relationship is based on friendliness. 

You learn, essentially, to sit with your emotions and thoughts without becoming overwhelmed by them, without losing your balance. This is central. This is a central part of mindfulness training, that you can be with your thoughts and emotions but not be overwhelmed by them. When you can do this, then you start to break free from the reactive habits that feed our anxiety and fear. 

So, we learn to sit with our emotions without becoming reactive and without identifying with those emotions. We learn to develop this other side of our identity, which we call the True Self, the Observer Mind, that which can be conscious of thoughts and emotions but is not identified with thoughts or emotions. 

We then work with those emotions and begin to treat them very much as you might treat a child that's afraid. we learn to comfort the emotion itself, the fear. you build a strong relationship with it, rather like a parent to a child. And in this way the fear reaction, that we might call the Little Self is able to let go of its fear by proximity to your True Self which is fearless nature. 

So, in this way we begin to build resolution pathways in the brain. You learn, basically, how to help the emotions resolve themselves, so that if they get triggered they simply resolve instantly, on the spot, through the training that you've done before you do the challenge And then you go out and walk around the block or whatever and put this training into action. 

So, we repeat this process over and over again. Meditation before challenge and we do the challenge and we may come back and meditate some more and then we repeat the challenge until we no longer feel any fear in doing that challenge. Then we move on to a harder challenge. And in this way we gain more and more confidence in the process. 

So, when you are able to neutralize these emotional reactions then the beliefs begin to change quite automatically. We don't need to try and change our beliefs. We simply need to change the emotional content that fuels those beliefs and makes them so powerful. 

Find an online therapist for agoraphobia


Best Online Help for Agoraphobia

Online treatment for agoraphobia

 Online treatment for agoraphobia

When you feel ready you can schedule a Skype Therapy session with me and I will teach you how to overcome agoraphobia without medications. 

It's important to understand that medications are only a temporary solution. They do not and are not designed to change the underlying psychological habitual process that generates anxiety. Medications simply reduce symptoms but really they are not really a good choice in the long run because they leave you vulnerable to those underlying psychological habits that create the anxiety. You want to change those habits and that's the focus of mindfulness therapy. I will teach you how to neutralize those underlying habits that create anxiety. 

So what triggers anxiety in agoraphobia? Well is generally triggered by thoughts and beliefs and anticipation and rumination whereby you get trapped in cycles of fear-based thinking. 

What will happen if I have a panic attack away from home? How will I get home? The fear of being trapped, the fear of not being able to get back to a secure zone, basically. 

So agoraphobia is characterized by being a prisoner of a comfort zone which often gets smaller and smaller as the disorder progresses. So we have to work on building strategies to get you out of that prison, and we do that by working on those emotional habits directly. Typically we are not really aware of our anxiety producing habits. They operate unconsciously like most habits and we just blindly accept them. We identify with these habits and we suffer because of that. 

So the first thing that we do in mindfulness therapy is identifying those thought reactions themselves that trigger the anxiety. We then work in a very specific way with those thoughts reactions and beliefs using various techniques. The first and most important one is learning to overcome this habit of identification so that we can hold the thought in our mind whatever it might be. The fear of fainting, the fear of being out of control, the fear of having a panic attack, whatever it might be. 

We do this by meditating on those thoughts. We make every effort not to avoid those thoughts.

So that's very important. That is the first part of training. We call this mindfulness-based exposure therapy. We are exposing ourselves to those thoughts; those triggers and we train ourselves out of the habit of blindly identifying with them and feeding the anxiety.

The second way we work with the anxiety thoughts is to work with their imagery. We look at the imagery of the thoughts, how we see the emotion in the mind that gets triggered by these reactive thoughts is very important. That imagery is what actually creates the identity. And we work with that imagery in a way that neutralizes the anxiety.

Now the next part of our approach to overcoming agoraphobia that doesn't require medication is to design a schedule of daily challenges. So this is where we will expose ourselves to a particular situation that would tend to generate those reactive anxiety-producing thoughts. 

And with the mindfulness-based exposure therapy that I've been describing, you can expect to see really effective progress within a few sessions. Usually after the first three or four weeks of applying the mindfulness techniques that I will teach you, you will notice significant reduction in anxiety and the ability to now start extending your range out of that prison. 

So if you'd like to learn more about how to overcome the agoraphobia without using medication, then please email me and let's schedule a Skype Therapy session. 

Treating Agoraphobia from Home over Skype

Online treatment for agoraphobia

Online therapy for agoraphobia via Zoom

 Online therapy for agoraphobia via Zoom

Online Psychotherapist for treating Agoraphobia

Online Mindfulness Therapist for Recovery from Agoraphobia and Social Anxiety Disorder without relying on medications.

Talk to a Therapist Online over Skype for highly effective online help and counseling for Agoraphobia, Anxiety, Panic Disorder and Social Anxiety Disorder.

Welcome. My name is Peter Strong. I am a professional psychotherapist specializing in mindfulness therapy for the treatment of anxiety disorders and depression and addictions and many other emotional problems that respond well to mindfulness therapy. One particular anxiety disorder that I work with a great deal is agoraphobia. So if you're interested in overcoming agoraphobia without the use of medications but through learning the strategic methods of mindfulness training and therapy then do please contact me and tell me more about your condition and I will be happy to answer any questions you have. 

Email me to find out more about this online psychotherapy service and arrange for an online therapy session with me. Inquiries welcome!


Online therapy for agoraphobia via Zoom

Online counseling for treating agoraphobia

 Online counseling for treating agoraphobia 

Online Treatment for Agoraphobia by Skype

Welcome. My name is Peter Strong and I'm a professional psychotherapist and I offer mindfulness based online therapy for agoraphobic anxiety and panic attacks. 

The mindfulness approach is extremely effective and during online therapy sessions I will teach you how to work with your agoraphobic anxiety using the techniques of mindfulness to help you prevent your becoming overwhelmed by the anxiety reactions. We do this by actually meditating on our anxiety before we do any challenges. 

Meditating helps to change the relationship that you have with your anxiety and this is absolutely essential, because the biggest problem that I encounter is that people suffering from anxiety tend to become identified with their emotions. They tend to become consumed by their emotions. They effectively lose their identity and become the emotions and this creates a very reactive place that is very difficult to escape from. 

So with mindfulness training you can change this pattern and learn to develop a relationship with your anxiety whereby you do not become identified with it where you can see the anxiety as an observer. This is essential for change. Once you begin to do this the rate of recovery from agoraphobic anxiety and panic attacks increases dramatically, and most people will see quite substantial changes after only four or five sessions with me once they start applying the mindfulness-based techniques. 

So the basic idea is that you will schedule sessions with me and we will work on setting up a series of challenges that you can manage and then you prepare for these challenges using mindfulness meditation. You do that challenge and you meditate on any anxiety that arose during that challenge. 

And each time we learn a little more about how to change our relationship to our anxiety so that we basically break free from the habit of identification and becoming overwhelmed by it. And this approach is, from my experience, the most effective there is for overcoming agoraphobic anxiety. So if you'd like to get started with me simply go to my website and then email me to schedule a Skype therapy session with me. 

Online counseling for treating agoraphobia

Online counseling for overcoming agoraphobia

 Online counseling for overcoming agoraphobia

How to overcome agoraphobia without medication - Online Mindfulness Therapy

Welcome. My name is Peter Strong and I'm a professional mindfulness therapist specializing in mindfulness therapy which I offer online via Skype for the treatment of anxiety and depression, and also for agoraphobia. So if you'd like to learn how to overcome agoraphobia without medication do please go to my website and read my pages on the treatment of agoraphobia using mindfulness therapy. 

It is important to understand that medications don't actually treat agoraphobia. They treat the symptoms of anxiety and they simply mask those symptoms. They reduce them, but only in a temporary manner. The underlying cause of your anxiety, your panic attacks, your agoraphobia, remains untouched by medications. 

If you want to really overcome agoraphobia you have to change those underlying psychological patterns, those emotional habits, that create the anxiety in the first place. So this is essential and this is what we focus on during these online mindfulness therapy sessions for agoraphobia. 

You don't need medication, you need instead to develop a very positive and conscious relationship with your anxiety. When you do this you actually teach the anxiety how to heal itself by being present with it without becoming reactive. The best analogy here is a parent and child. So the child is afraid. What does it need? What it really needs is to be in contact with its parent, who is not afraid. The fearlessness of the parent is absorbed by the child and that allows the child to release his or her fear. So this connection between child and parent is extremely important for healing the underlying cause of the child's fear. 

The same goes for our anxiety, our emotions. They tend to become isolated in the mind, they become cut off from our true self, the bigger aspect of who we really are When they are isolated they cannot heal and then they become reactive and create the symptoms of anxiety and panic attacks that you are familiar with. 

When we build an internal relationship between your true self and your emotions, that relationship allows those emotions to start to change and heal. And when that relationship is strong and based on consciousness and friendliness, the two key features of mindfulness, then that healing process becomes very strong and very fast. 

So this approach of bringing mindfulness to the emotional reactions that underlie our agoraphobia is very effective in deed and produces results in very few sessions compared to conventional talk therapy, and certainly better than medications. 

So if you'd like to learn how to overcome agoraphobia without medication and using the methods of mindfulness therapy that I teach then please email me and let’s schedule an online therapy session.

Contact me to schedule a Skype therapy session with Dr. Peter Strong, specialist in online mindfulness therapy for anxiety and depression and for online help with agoraphobia.

Online treatment for agoraphobia with panic disorder


Online Psychotherapy for help with Agoraphobia

 Online Psychotherapy for help with Agoraphobia

So agoraphobia usually begins with a series of panic attacks often appearing for no particular reason but that are very distressing, very unpleasant. And what happens is that we tend to develop fear, reactive fear to the reoccurrence of these panic attacks, and that fear then converts into avoidance. So we try to avoid any situation in which that panic attack may reoccur. So these patterns of avoidance tend to proliferate and we start avoiding more and more things based on that fear. 

The problem is that avoidance fuels fear, so the more you become wrapped up in patterns of avoidance the more fear you will experience and then that leads to more avoidance behaviors. And so it sort of spirals out of control and you become more and more limited and confined to a smaller and smaller space. Sometimes people are unable to leave their house. They're afraid of any kind of zone that is out of that immediate comfort zone of their house. So going to the grocery store, driving a car, even walking around the neighborhood may be way too challenging. And this is the result of this accumulation of avoidance and the fear that is fed by avoidance. 

So the first understanding we must have if you want to beat agoraphobia, if you want to overcome agoraphobia, is that you must not accept these avoidance habits. Instead we must turn that around and start facing each situation. But we have to do this in a strategic way and with lots of training and that is what we find is usually lacking in classical exposure type therapy. 

It is not enough to just force your way through a traumatic situation. That will simply reinforce the fear. It will not resolve it. So exposure therapy as it's usually taught is basically going to be mostly ineffective. You cannot expect yourself to habituate to that situation simply by repeating it over and over again. That could also simply repeat the fear, the trauma, over and over again. 

In many ways agoraphobia is really a kind of post-traumatic stress disorder. It's that reaction to the trauma of the panic attacks that you had originally. 

So exposure therapy by itself is absolutely not enough. You must take a much more strategic approach, but it is, of course, a necessary part of your recovery. If you want to beat agoraphobia you must undertake progressive exposures. We understand that. But how do you do that? That's the question. 

So in the mindfulness approach, what I call mindfulness-based exposure therapy, we will start by making a list of all of our challenges, those situations that we are currently avoiding. We turn that into a list and we train with each one of those challenges on that list and we do it thoroughly until we experience no anxiety whatsoever. 

The way that we train is the vital component here. This is what makes the difference. You must train in a very thorough way before you do any of those challenges so that you can avoid that re-traumatization. 

So we train through a process called mindfulness meditation. And this, basically, is where you would meditate on the challenge before you do it. So you play that challenge through your mind in detail and you look very carefully for any fear reactions and any thought reactions that get triggered as you imagine going into the grocery store, or whatever it may be. 

So if you'd like to learn more about this approach then please contact me and we can discuss this further and we can set up some online therapy sessions via Skype. 

Agoraphobia Help Online via Skype


Online Psychotherapy for help with Agoraphobia

Overcome Agoraphobia through Online Psychotherapy

 Overcome Agoraphobia through Online Psychotherapy

How to beat agoraphobia - Online Mindfulness Therapy for Agoraphobia 

Contact me to schedule a Skype therapy session with Dr. Peter Strong, specialist in online mindfulness therapy for anxiety and depression.

Welcome! My name is Peter Strong. I'm a professional online therapist offering online therapy as a way of helping you overcome your anxiety or depression or addiction. And it's much more convenient and much more comfortable for you. I really enjoy working with people over Skype. It is much more empowering than going to see a therapist in an office. This approach, I feel, is much more effective, especially if you're working with anxiety and particularly if you're struggling with agoraphobia. 

Overcome Agoraphobia through Online Psychotherapy

Online Psychotherapy to overcome agoraphobia without medications

 Online Psychotherapy to overcome agoraphobia without medications 

Find an online therapist for agoraphobia

Online Mindfulness Therapist for Controlling Agoraphobia and Social Anxiety Disorder without using drugs

Talk to a Therapist Online via Skype for highly effective online help and psychotherapy for Agoraphobia, Anxiety, Panic Attacks and Social Anxiety

Contact me to discover more about this online psychotherapy service and schedule an online Skype counseling session with me. Inquiries welcome!

Online Psychotherapy to overcome agoraphobia without medications

Online Psychotherapy to overcome agoraphobia

 Online Psychotherapy to overcome agoraphobia

Online treatment plan for agoraphobia using Mindfulness Therapy

Exposure Therapy is an essential part of the recovery process, but is not sufficient by itself. You have to engage in thorough training before you do each exposure challenge to prevent simply re-traumatizing yourself. Hence the development of Mindfulness-based Exposure Therapy, an approach that I developed several years ago and have found to be very effective when working with clients suffering from agoraphobia.

Welcome! My name is Peter Strong. I'm a professional psychotherapist and I offer online therapy, which of course, is very convenient and necessary if you're suffering from agoraphobia or other anxiety condition that keeps you housebound. 

So I'm often asked, "What is the best treatment for agoraphobia?" "What's the best way to overcome the anxiety and panic attacks that accompany agoraphobia?" From my experience working with people suffering from agoraphobia, over the last ten years or so now, I find that the best approach is what I call Mindfulness Therapy. This is a system of work that I've been developing for many years which really works at the underlying core level of your anxiety. It helps you break free from those patterns of habitual reactivity that cause your anxiety. It works by changing the anxiety directly so that it is not habitually triggered by the common triggers that you encounter in your agoraphobia. 

We have to uncover these underlying anxiety habits and then work on changing them. And the best way to doing this is what I call Mindfulness-based Exposure Therapy. So this means that you actively create a series of exposure challenges. That might be walking around the block or driving a short distance if you can still drive or even just stepping outside the front door. But it doesn't matter what the challenges are. But it is essential that you identify challenges that are accompanied by a degree of anxiety and then start working on those challenges and training yourself out of the reactive anxiety that has become habitual. 

The way that we train ourselves out of the anxiety reactions is not by simply repeated exposure as is often taught. Repeated exposure is very inefficient and you risk intensifying the anxiety. 

So in mindfulness-based exposure therapy we prepare for each challenge in a very thorough way before you do the challenge, and this preparation is called a rehearsal meditation. It's all about training. So in a rehearsal meditation you imagine doing that challenge and then you look specifically for any anxiety that gets triggered. And then you start to work with that anxiety, working with its structure and helping change that anxiety directly. 

So if you would like help with your agoraphobia, please contact me and let's schedule some therapy sessions over Skype and I will teach you exactly how to apply mindfulness to overcome your agoraphobia. So please contact me if you'd like to get started with the mindfulness approach to overcoming agoraphobia. 


Online Psychotherapy to overcome agoraphobia

Find Therapy via Zoom for Agoraphobia

 Find Therapy via Zoom for Agoraphobia

Welcome! My name is Peter Strong. I am a professional psychotherapist specializing in Mindfulness Therapy which I offer online via Skype for treating anxiety disorders including agoraphobia. 

So I'm often asked if there is a cure for agoraphobia. Can agoraphobia be cured? And the answer is yes it can, as long as you take a very strategic and disciplined approach to overcoming the underlying anxiety of agoraphobia. 

The biggest problem that I encounter is that people tend to get into patterns of avoidance. They tend to try to avoid any triggers that might create anxiety. But you have to understand that avoidance itself is a form of anxiety-based reaction and that simply feeds the underlying anxiety. So taking a disciplined approach that's against avoidance is very important. You must not avoid your anxiety. You will not help it heal or change if you do. 

So we have to learn to work with our anxiety, but in a very skillful and effective way and that's where Mindfulness Therapy comes in. It's a very effective way of working with anxiety and reducing and eliminating anxiety so that you can restore your freedom to move that you had before the onset of your agoraphobia. 


Find Therapy via Zoom for Agoraphobia

Agoraphobia online therapy

Online Therapy via Skype for the treatment of Agoraphobia

 Welcome. My name is Peter Strong and I'm a professional psychotherapist specializing in online therapy and I offer online therapy for agoraphobia. So, agoraphobia online therapy is very effective for people who really can't get out of the house to work with a therapist in their local area. So, during these sessions that I offer via Skype, I focus on teaching you very effective mindfulness-based methods of working with your anxiety and panic attacks. The real important thing to understand here is that Agoraphobia is really a psychological habit. I prefer to call it a habit rather than a disorder because when you start labeling these psychological states as disorders that tends to reinforce your sense of helplessness as a victim, and we don't want to do that. The actual mechanism that generates the anxiety and panic attacks of agoraphobia is a habit and habits can be changed. 

So during online agoraphobia therapy sessions I will guide you in how to work with the underlying emotions and thought patterns that supports that anxiety. We do this in a surprising way. We actually learn to make friends with our fear. This is very, very important. You can't change the belief when it has a very strong emotional charge based on fear. No amount of rational arguments or persuasion that you don't need to feel this way is going to change that anxiety. You have to learn to work with the anxiety directly. And that's what you do during mindfulness therapy. We actually learn to meditate on your own fear as you imagine walking or traveling out of your safe zone. 

So, we set up a series of challenges, exposures, if you like, where you choose to do a particularly difficult exercise but one that you can manage. But then we prepare for this by playing it through in the mind it might be walking around the block or just simply leaving the house for a few minutes, whatever it might be. We design a challenge and then we prepare for it by meditating on it. We play it through in the mind and then we look for the fear reactions and we look for the thought reactions that feed that fear and then we develop a mindfulness-based relationship with these emotions and thoughts, and that relationship is based on friendliness. You learn, essentially, to sit with your emotions and thoughts without becoming overwhelmed by them, without losing your balance. This is central. This is a central part of mindfulness training, that you can be with your thoughts and emotions but not be overwhelmed by them. When you can do dance then you start to break the habits that get reinforced by re-traumatizing, essentially, that fear. 

So, we learn to sit with our emotions without becoming reactive and without identifying with those emotions. We learn to develop this other side of our identity, which we call the True Self, the Observer Mind, that which can be conscious of thoughts and emotions but is not identified with thoughts or emotions. We then work with those emotions and begin to treat them very much as you might treat a child that's afraid. we learn to comfort the emotion itself, the fear. you build a strong relationship with it, rather like a parent to a child. And in this way the fear reaction, that we might call the Little Self is able to let go of its fear by proximity to your True Self which is fearless nature. So, in this way we begin to build resolution pathways in the brain. 

You learn, basically, how to help the emotions resolve themselves, so that if they get triggered they simply resolve instantly, on the spot, through the training that you've done before you do the challenge And then you go out and walk around the block or whatever and put this training into action. So, we repeat this process over and over again. Meditation before challenge and we do the challenge and we may come back and meditate some more and then we repeat the challenge until we no longer feel any fear in doing that challenge. Then we move on to a harder challenge. And in this way we gain more and more confidence in the process. 

So, when you are able to neutralize these emotional reactions then the beliefs begin to change quite automatically. We don't need to try and change our beliefs. We simply need to change the emotional content that fuels those beliefs and makes them so powerful. If you would like to learn more about agoraphobia therapy online do please send me an email and we can schedule a Skype Therapy session. Thank you. 

Online Therapist for help with Agoraphobia via Skype 


Find Online Agoraphobia Therapy

Online Help for Agoraphobia Online Mindfulness Psychotherapist for Controlling Agoraphobia and Social Anxiety Disorder without using drugs Talk to a Therapist Online via Skype for effective online help and counseling for Agoraphobia, Chronic Anxiety, Panic Disorder and Social Anxiety Contact me to discover more about this online therapy service and arrange for an online Skype counseling session with me. Inquiries welcome! GO TO MY CONTACT PAGE FOR DETAILS AND TO SCHEDULE AN ONLINE THERAPY SESSION WITH ME TO HELP YOU OVERCOME AGORAPHOBIA
Get Help from an Online Psychotherapist for Agoraphobia. Go to:


Online treatment for agoraphobia without drugs/medication

Online treatment for agoraphobia without drugs/medication

Contact me to learn more about how to overcome agoraphobia without resorting to medications, which do nothing to transform the underlying cause of your anxiety.

Agoraphobia Therapy Online over Skype

Email me to schedule a Skype therapy session with Dr. Peter Strong, specialist in online mindfulness therapy for anxiety and depression.

Welcome! My name is Peter Strong and I provide online therapy via Skype for anxiety and depression and particularly for the treatment of agoraphobia. So if you're looking for agoraphobia therapy online I invite you to go to my website. Read more about this online therapy service that I offer hand please contact me if you would like to schedule some Skype Therapy sessions with me to help you overcome your agoraphobia. 

So if you are suffering from agoraphobia it is essential that you are able to find an online therapist to work with simply because it's so difficult for you to leave home. And there are a number of services now offering online psychotherapy for the treatment of agoraphobia and other anxiety disorders too. 

Whether you choose me or someone else, the important thing is that you find a therapist to work with who uses Skype or similar video platform because it's very important that you can see each other. That will improve the quality of communication and the quality of the therapy that you are getting. 

The other thing is make sure that you feel completely comfortable with the therapist that you select. Make sure that they answer your questions about the therapist's approach and trust your own judgment, your own intuition. That is by far the best guide, much more so than how many letters the therapist has after his name. What's important is that you feel comfortable with the therapist and you like the approach that they are offering. 

So in the style of agoraphobia therapy that I offer is based on the application of mindfulness. Mindfulness Therapy is a very effective way of working with anxiety disorders like agoraphobia. It also helps you manage panic attacks and any other aspect of anxiety that's causing you distress and that are limiting the quality of your life. 

So in Mindfulness Therapy the primary approach that we take is called Mindfulness-based Exposure Therapy, and that is where you will basically design a series of challenges with my help so that you can begin to train yourself out of the anxiety habits. 

So in mindfulness training we teach that suffering like anxiety and depression is basically an emotional habit. It is the result of conditioning. This habit formation gets started, often in childhood, and it never gets resolved. And this anxiety shows up in different forms different types of anxiety such as agoraphobia or social anxiety or a phobia or panic attacks or driving anxiety, etc. 

 So the first stage is to set up a schedule of exposure challenges. And then what is most important is to train using mindfulness for each challenge that you schedule. Exposure therapy by itself is not sufficient. You must train with the anxiety beforehand. 

 So we do this by a technique called Rehearsal Meditation, whereby you imagine doing that challenge in order to find the anxiety and then you start working with that anxiety using mindfulness and compassion. 

 You look at the structure of the anxiety, you find out how it works. You look at the patterns of reactive thoughts that feed that anxiety and you begin to change your relationship to the anxiety formation. You start to break free from its influence by becoming more and more aware of it, more conscious of the thoughts and the emotion. The basic rule here is that the more you see, the less fear you will experience. That may seem counter-intuitive but it's actually the case. Fear is based on what you don't see much more than what you do see.

So we do this in great detail with the challenge in our imagination before we do the challenge. That's why it's called a Rehearsal Meditation. When you can visualize doing that challenge, whatever it might be, perhaps just walking around the block or driving in the car, if you can do that, whatever it might be, when you feel that you can do that with the complete absence of anxiety then you do the live challenge, the exposure challenge, and your training that you did in the Rehearsal Meditation will take effect and will effectively inhibit any anxiety reactions during the challenge. 

And when you take this approach you'll start to see dramatic improvements in a very short time. Typically, most of my clients see quite dramatic changes after three to four weeks of doing this kind of progressive exposure challenge using mindfulness. 



Effective Agoraphobia Help Online via Skype

Effective Agoraphobia Help Online via Skype

Effective Agoraphobia Help Online via Skype. Visit: to schedule a Skype therapy session with Dr. Peter Strong, specialist in online mindfulness therapy for the treatment of agoraphobia and anxiety without resorting to medications.

 Welcome! I provide online therapy via Skype for the treatment of anxiety and depression and other emotional problems including agoraphobia. So if you're looking for effective online therapy for your agoraphobia, then I invite you to please reach out to me. Contact me through my website and ask any questions you may have about my approach and how to overcome agoraphobia effectively without using medications, and I will be happy to answer any questions you have, and when you feel ready, we can schedule some sessions. 

 So I usually see people once a week, typically, in the case of agoraphobia. We may need to meet for six to seven or eight sessions depending on how well you do. The most important thing in overcoming Agoraphobia is your commitment to change. If you are really motivated to overcome your agoraphobia and the associated anxiety and panic attacks, then we will be able to make progress. If you're able to really work hard at your recovery process and put the methods into practice that I will be teaching you during the first sessions, then you'll see results. 

 So what are these methods? Well the very first thing we must do is design a schedule of incremental challenges so that you have material to work with every day. But just throwing yourself into a difficult anxiety-producing situation is not a suitable strategy. That's not going to produce results. Exposure therapy by itself is not usually very effective. 

 What we have to do is train with the mind. We have to prepare very carefully before we do any of these challenges, and that is the training that I provide called Mindfulness Therapy or Mindfulness-based Exposure Therapy. So this is where we combine the methods and the technology of mindfulness for working with the anxiety reactions. 

 Anxiety itself is a habit. It's not a disease. It's not a disorder. It should not be treated with medications, in my opinion. It should be treated as a psychological habit. And habits can be changed when you bring more conscious awareness to them. And of course, that is the primary focus of mindfulness training is to bring more conscious awareness to your anxiety reactions and to the anxiety producing thoughts that tend to feed that anxiety. 

 As we developed more equanimity we can then start to respond with even stronger mindfulness methods. And this is really the response of compassion. Compassion is an integral part of mindfulness. Mindfulness is not just awareness, it's awareness combined with compassion, with this inner natural innate state that we have of responding to suffering when we see suffering. 

 So if you would like to learn more about the mindfulness-based approach to overcoming your agoraphobia, then please reach out to me by email. 

 Let's schedule a session. All sessions are done via Skype. You must have some kind of video interface so that you can see each other. That's essential really for good communication. But if you have Skype or Face Time or similar platform then therapy by Skype is just isn't as effective as meeting in person. There's no difference. So if you'd like to get started with me and learn how to overcome your agoraphobia from home using mindfulness therapy then please contact me. Thank you. 


Effective Agoraphobia Help Online via Skype

Effective Agoraphobia Help Online via Skype

Effective Agoraphobia Help Online via Skype. Visit: to schedule a Skype therapy session with Dr. Peter Strong, specialist in online mindfulness therapy for the treatment of agoraphobia and anxiety without resorting to medications.

 Welcome! I provide online therapy via Skype for the treatment of anxiety and depression and other emotional problems including agoraphobia. So if you're looking for effective online therapy for your agoraphobia, then I invite you to please reach out to me. Contact me through my website and ask any questions you may have about my approach and how to overcome agoraphobia effectively without using medications, and I will be happy to answer any questions you have, and when you feel ready, we can schedule some sessions. 

 So I usually see people once a week, typically, in the case of agoraphobia. We may need to meet for six to seven or eight sessions depending on how well you do. The most important thing in overcoming Agoraphobia is your commitment to change. If you are really motivated to overcome your agoraphobia and the associated anxiety and panic attacks, then we will be able to make progress. If you're able to really work hard at your recovery process and put the methods into practice that I will be teaching you during the first sessions, then you'll see results. 

 So what are these methods? Well the very first thing we must do is design a schedule of incremental challenges so that you have material to work with every day. But just throwing yourself into a difficult anxiety-producing situation is not a suitable strategy. That's not going to produce results. Exposure therapy by itself is not usually very effective. 

 What we have to do is train with the mind. We have to prepare very carefully before we do any of these challenges, and that is the training that I provide called Mindfulness Therapy or Mindfulness-based Exposure Therapy. So this is where we combine the methods and the technology of mindfulness for working with the anxiety reactions. 

 Anxiety itself is a habit. It's not a disease. It's not a disorder. It should not be treated with medications, in my opinion. It should be treated as a psychological habit. And habits can be changed when you bring more conscious awareness to them. And of course, that is the primary focus of mindfulness training is to bring more conscious awareness to your anxiety reactions and to the anxiety producing thoughts that tend to feed that anxiety. 

 As we developed more equanimity we can then start to respond with even stronger mindfulness methods. And this is really the response of compassion. Compassion is an integral part of mindfulness. Mindfulness is not just awareness, it's awareness combined with compassion, with this inner natural innate state that we have of responding to suffering when we see suffering. 

 So if you would like to learn more about the mindfulness-based approach to overcoming your agoraphobia, then please reach out to me by email. 

 Let's schedule a session. All sessions are done via Skype. You must have some kind of video interface so that you can see each other. That's essential really for good communication. But if you have Skype or Face Time or similar platform then therapy by Skype is just isn't as effective as meeting in person. There's no difference. So if you'd like to get started with me and learn how to overcome your agoraphobia from home using mindfulness therapy then please contact me. Thank you. 


Online Mindfulness Therapy Through Skype For Agoraphobia


Overcome Agoraphobia through Mindfulness Therapy Online

Agoraphobia and Social Anxiety are characterized by intense emotional reactions and panic attacks related to change of physical location. Online Mindfulness Therapy using Skype is an exciting new approach to help people imprisoned by this debilitating form of anxiety. Online Skype Therapy allows people to work on their anxiety in the comfort of their homes and gradually develop the tools that will allow them to venture out and become more confident in themselves so that they can participate and get more enjoyment from life.

Online Therapy for Agoraphobia and Social Anxiety Disorder
Online Therapy for Agoraphobia and Social Anxiety Disorder

On of my online clients, a woman in her late 30s seldom moved out of the safety zone of her home because she was convinced that something terrible would happen and there would be no one there to help her. This sense of intense isolation and fear of being alone is an ironic side to a behavioral disorder that produces just that - isolation and loneliness. Many sufferers from social anxiety have very low self-confidence and even lower self-esteem. They are imprisoned by negative beliefs about themselves in which they are unable to cope with change. Not only change of location, but change of routine or anything, which can be described as the familiar rhythm to their lives.

In terms of the emotional reactivity, those with social anxiety disorders experience what can best be described as an inner contraction of emotional energy. The anxiety contracts and concentrates into a tight focal point, usually centered on a thought or a belief. This of course is the driving emotional energy that can lead to a panic attack, which can be described as an explosion of anxiety, leading to very erratic behavior. This is what many sufferers are most afraid of - this runaway and uncontrollable behavior.

Over the years, I have been studying this contraction process and have found that mindfulness to be extremely effective as an antidote. Mindfulness, by its very nature is an expansion of consciousness and so admirably counteracts the contraction of consciousness associated with emotional reactivity. There are many ways that mindfulness can help with anxiety disorders. The first and most basic skill is simply learning to awaken to the inner reactive thinking as it arises. This simple process of recognition can and does make all the difference. In my book, The Path of Mindfulness Meditation, I describe this as one of the 3 R’s of mindfulness practice: Recognition, Relationship, Resolution. If a person can learn to recognize his habitual reactive thoughts as they arise, then a moment of choice opens up. If he remains blind, then nothing can change.

When the lady mentioned above took on mindfulness training with me, she soon learned to catch these reactive thoughts. Actually, after awhile, it became a game for her and for once in a very long time she felt that she had some control. This is one of the immediate benefits of mindfulness therapy - clients quickly shift out of being the victim to being empowered. For an agoraphobic, this is a revolution.
Instead if being dominated by negative thoughts, she began to see them as nothing more than “objects,” and in fact she imagined them as pebbles on a beach. She could see them as discreet entities and could simply walk around them, pick them up and look at them, but she no longer was compelled to become them. She began to find her true Self again - a Self that was not defined by rock hard thoughts, but was that inquisitive child that could look at these “things” and not be afraid. This is the beginning of the Resolution phase of mindfulness - a release of that contracted energy, a flowering of her true essence as the “knowing” of the contents of her mind - the “known” and the habitual reactivity and resistance to her emotions - “the knower.” Mindfulness allows us to let go of the known and the knower and awaken as the knowing - the pure consciousness of the free mind and heart.

"Mindfulness Online Therapy: The Effective, Convenient and Affordable Choice for Anxiety Disorders."

Do you feel yourself to be a victim of your anxiety? Do you feel hostage to your emotions?

Do you feel that your anxiety is ruining your life and preventing you from doing the things that you want to do?

Do you feel that anxiety is preventing you from forming close personal relationships?

Are you afraid of having a panic attack and losing control?

Mindfulness Therapy, whether in-person or online counseling via Skype, provides a particularly effective approach for healing anxiety disorders.

Online Therapist for Agoraphobia and Social Phobia

As a Mindfulness-based psychotherapist it never ceases to amaze me the extent of the problem of anxiety disorders, general anxiety (GAD) and panic attacks anxiety. At least 1 in 5 people will experience some form of panic anxiety attacks at some time in their lives, and it is particularly common in young people in their 20s-30s. In its most severe form, it leads to social anxiety disorder and agoraphobia, which can be extremely debilitating.
            Today, more and more people suffering from anxiety are taking matters into their own hands and seeking help to learn self-help strategies to better cope with their anxiety and better manage the stress and distress produced by anxiety and panic attacks. To address this growing need, I developed a system of cognitive therapy called Mindfulness Meditation Therapy (MMT), based on Buddhist Psychology, NLP and Experiential Psychotherapy. What I have discovered over the years is that MMT works very well for online counseling therapy through Skype-based video call sessions. Skype Therapy or Internet Therapy is gaining tremendous popularity and is so much more convenient and less intimidating than going to a therapist’s office. Now, there is a growing number of research studies that show Online Therapy to be just as effective as traditional office therapy.

Mindfulness Therapy for Panic Attacks and Panic Anxiety

One of the most important techniques to learn for managing anxiety attacks is called Reframing. This simply means that you teach yourself to see the anxiety emotion as an object that arises within the mind. This is the opposite to identifying with the anxiety or fear and then becoming swept up with catastrophic thinking, worrying and other forms of reactive thinking that simply make things worse. Instead of, “I am afraid!” we reframe that as “I notice the emotion of fear arising in me.” This simple action stops the mind contracting into the emotion and keeps the mind free to engage with the emotion as an object, and that is something totally and absolutely different. In a sense, you leave the “I” out of it altogether – something to be discovered at a later time. The main point of Reframing is that you learn how not to be overwhelmed by a panic thought when it arises and not to feed the emotion by becoming lost in thinking and reacting. With practice you become more and more familiar with the anxiety emotion as an object, a visitor and you find that you don’t need to react to it with fear or more anxiety.
            This form of retraining how we respond to our emotions develops a kind of immunity to the anxiety not unlike the immunity that the body develops to pathogens. Before immunity is established, we are at great risk from viruses and bacteria, but after we have developed an immune response, the same organisms are rendered completely harmless and incapable of causing suffering. It is the same when we develop mental immunity to our emotional pain. The panic anxiety may still arise out of habit, but we don’t react and therefore are immune to the suffering that we create when we react to emotional pain. Mindfulness is the tool that allows us to develop this mental immunity.
            When the mind is free from reacting to our emotional pain then it is put in an ideal state to allow the pain itself to begin to heal and lose intensity. When you learn how to sit with your pain without becoming reactive then you are creating the right inner conditions that allow beneficial change and that allow your innate intelligence and creativity to work on healing and resolving the pain.

The next factor that works to facilitate this new relationship with our panic anxiety is the immensely powerful factor of friendliness. Now that we are getting better at holding the panic anxiety as an object within our mind that we can relate to and look at, we take this relationship to a whole new level by welcoming the emotion. We actually train our self to greet is just as we would greet an old friend. Turn to the anxiety with warmth and friendliness instead of our habitual knee-jerk reaction of hatred and resistance and everything changes. Why? Because we actually create an inner space in which that anxiety emotion can exist unmolested and unharmed. This above anything else creates the best possible conditions in which the emotion can heal itself.

Try this for yourself: Practice Reframing followed by the Response of Friendliness. You may find this difficult to do at first, but it becomes increasingly easier with practice, especially when you begin to feel the benefits as the reactivity and the core panic anxiety begin to resolve themselves.

Peter Strong, PhD, is a Mindfulness Psychotherapist, Online Therapist, Spiritual Teacher, Medical Research Scientist and Author, based in Boulder, Colorado. He was born in the UK and educated at the University of Oxford.

Email inquiries about Online Therapy and Online Counseling are most welcome. Request an Online Psychotherapy Skype session today and begin a course of Mindfulness Therapy for your Anxiety, Depression or Emotional Stress.

You can purchase a copy of Dr Strong’s book ‘The Path of Mindfulness Meditation’ at, and and Barnes& A Kindle edition is also available.


Online Psychotherapy and Counseling for Agoraphobia


Agoraphobics and those with social anxiety and shyness issues are often searching for more self-help tools and strategies to help them better manage their anxiety. Often, they are highly motivated to overcome their anxiety, but are afraid of venturing out of their safe zone. Online counseling and therapy provides a convenient and effective solution.

Most of the clients that I work with in the office or online through Skype are highly motivated to make changes in their lives and want to overcome the root cause of their anxiety or depression. They want to get better, but don’t know how to work with the underlying core emotions that keep them trapped in cycles of emotional suffering.

Online Mindfulness Meditation Therapy (MMT) is a form of therapy that develops your ability to form a therapeutic relationship with your inner core emotions; your fears, anxiety and depression in which you first learn to stop the proliferation of reactivity and then embrace the painful emotion with the healing space of mindfulness.

How does mindfulness work? At the most basic level, mindfulness teaches us to recognize our habitual patterns of cognitive reactivity – the backbone of anxiety disorders and depression. This negative self-talk, based on negative beliefs constrains and imprisons us. Habitual reactivity has tremendous power over, yet most of us are not really aware of these reactions as they arise. So, the first task is to simply become aware of our habitual reactions and learn to respond to them with mindful-awareness, rather than simply falling under their spell. We need to take the initiative and catch these negative thoughts before they catch us. This is the first part of mindfulness therapy that I describe in my book “The Path of Mindfulness Meditation” as the Recognition Phase.

Each moment of recognition introduces a brief but highly significant space in which we have a moment of freedom and choice. This inner space, which is the essence of mindfulness, can be developed and cultivated. Reactivity takes away our freedom; mindfulness restores this inner freedom. Learning to be aware and become an observer of our inner thoughts and emotional reactions is essential. We have to begin to step out of our habitual mode of reactive thinking and step into a wider dimension that we call the dimension of pure awareness – the natural state of knowing mental objects instead of reacting to them. Each moment of mindfulness is a small but powerful victory, and with each conscious encounter, we strengthen the mindfulness muscle and increase the amount of time we spend as the observer, rather than being imprisoned in the observed. Gradually, we break free from the compulsive bondage and identification with our habitual thinking, and in this process of inner liberation, our innate intelligence is finally given the freedom to operate. As our intuitive intelligence comes into play, the internal structure of our emotional suffering is able to change and transform in a beneficial direction that will eventually lead to healing.

The faculty of mindfulness, like the observational skills of the hunter or scientist can be developed through practice, and this is what I teach when working with clients online through Skype therapy sessions. But, as I frequently point out, this is not the end of mindfulness practice but just the beginning. When clients begin to create a space around their anxiety or panic, the emotion begins to respond in direct proportion. It starts to become malleable and fluid and regains emotional plasticity; the emotion starts to unfold and change in this inner therapeutic space provided through mindfulness. We all have the innate intelligence that will naturally heal emotional suffering; a point taught by the Buddha over 2500 years ago, but in order for healing to occur there must be the inner freedom and spacious presence of mindful-awareness.

Often what unfolds is some form of imagery. Many of the agoraphobics that I have worked with are surprised to discover intense imagery at the core of their emotional complex, and frequently this imagery encodes the emotional energy that powers the negative beliefs, reactive thinking, worry and panic. As I have described in some of my other articles, experiential imagery is a very rich medium to work with, because it is tangible, and as the imagery is allowed to change, so too will the emotions. But for change to happen, there must be space and inner freedom; all provided by the remarkable form of awareness that we call mindfulness.

The medium of Skype is an excellent way of learning and means that you can be in control of the process of your own healing. All you need is a computer fitted with a videocam, and Skype, which you can download for free. Simply go to my website, learn more about Mindfulness Meditation Therapy and when you are ready send me an email and we will schedule a Skype therapy session.

"Mindfulness Online Therapy: The Effective, Convenient and Affordable Choice for Anxiety Disorders."

Peter Strong, PhD, is a Mindfulness Psychotherapist, Online Therapist, Spiritual Teacher, Medical Research Scientist and Author, based in Boulder, Colorado. He was born in the UK and educated at the University of Oxford.

Besides therapy sessions in his Boulder Office, Dr. Strong provides an Online Counseling Service via Skype for anxiety and depression.

YouTube Channel:
Email inquiries about Online Therapy and Online Counseling are most welcome. Request an Online Psychotherapy Skype session today and begin a course of Mindfulness Therapy for your Anxiety, Depression or Emotional Stress.

You can purchase a copy of Dr Strong’s book ‘The Path of Mindfulness Meditation’ at, and and Barnes& A Kindle edition is also available.