Online Therapy via Skype.
Dr. Peter Strong is a pioneer of Online Mindfulness Therapy, which is a very effective treatment for anxiety disorders, panic attacks, depression, stress & PTSD, and for recovery from addictions.
Visit : to book a Skype therapy session.
Skype Therapy refers to the delivery of psychotherapy online via video chat conferencing over Skype. This is designed to be a non-medical consultation in which we focus on helping you change the underlying patterns of reactive thinking and emotional reactivity that creates and sustains anxiety, depression, OCD and compulsive habits, and addictions.In my experience, Skype therapy is just as effective as in-person therapy, and often online therapy is significantly better because clients generally feel much more comfortable since they can stay at home. Online therapy definitely offers more privacy and there is less stigma associated with getting emotional help online via the internet.
Skype therapy and counseling - Talk to a therapist via Skype
Welcome! My name is Peter Strong, and I am a professional registered psychotherapist from Boulder, Colorado. Besides seeing clients in person, I also offer online counseling therapy through Skype. Skype Therapy, as it's commonly called, is becoming increasingly popular. It's so convenient for people. It means that you're able to schedule your sessions during your work day without having to leave home or leave the office. It's very convenient. With Skype, you're able to see the person as well as talk to them. It's really no different than being in an office, or in person. It's the same quality of the one-on-one counseling that you could receive in an office, but with the added convenience, as I say.
Many people like this format because it is something that allows them to find the right kind of therapist to work with, someone that they feel comfortable with. That's extremely important. Good therapy depends on having the right kind of relationship with your therapist. It has to feel good for you as the client. Also, I find that Skype Therapy works extremely well with the form of therapy that I specialize in, which is called Mindfulness Therapy; which I talk about in my book, 'The Path of Mindfulness Meditation'.
Mindfulness Therapy has grown tremendously in popularity in the last 5 to 10 years now. Our understanding of what mindfulness is and how to use it to effectively work with emotions like anxiety, panic attacks, depression, stress, has grown tremendously. It's really very, very well worth exploring in detail. What is mindfulness? Basically, it is a form of awareness that we can define as non-reactive awareness. That means that you're able to sit, literally sit with your emotions without becoming overwhelmed by them, without becoming reactive. This is absolutely essential for healing to occur. The only way that your anxiety or panic attacks will change and heal is if you can sit with your emotions without feeding them with reactivity, particularly of course, reactive thinking, aversion or any avoidance behaviors. Reactivity, particularly avoidance and aversion are your worst enemies because they tend to feed the emotions and effectively prevent them from healing. Mindfulness Therapy is an excellent choice for learning how to resolve difficult and painful emotions by first teaching you how to stay with your emotions without becoming reactive. After you have established a non-reactive relationship with your emotions, then you can begin to interact with them in more skillful ways based on compassion and intelligence that help the emotion resolve itself.
If you're interested in Skype Therapy, please visit my website. Send me an email. Use the contact form if you like. Tell me about yourself and your interests. Let's explore how I can help you through Mindfulness Therapy online via Skype. Thank you.
Skype Therapy with Dr. Peter Strong
Welcome! My name is Peter Strong and I am a professional psychotherapist specializing in Mindfulness Therapy, which I offer over Skype.
So Skype therapy is basically nothing more than delivering psychotherapy over Skype. The reason why we use Skype is because it allows us to see each other and that is really the most important thing for psychotherapy online. You have to be able to see each other.
The first thing that I will teach you in the first Skype therapy session is about how to change the relationship that you have with your emotions and with your thoughts and beliefs. This is really quite important. The major cause of emotional suffering, whether that is anxiety or depression or addiction, is the process called "reactive identification," whereby you become blindly attached and identified with the mind, with thoughts, beliefs, emotional reactions, memories, perceptions, and so on.
So the first teaching in Mindfulness Therapy is about learning how to break this blind habit of identification with thoughts emotions, memories and perceptions, and the way we do this is by meditating on these mantle objects. We learn to pull ourselves out of the identification habit whereby we become consumed by the emotional reactions or thoughts and we learn to see them as an OBSERVER. That Observer is, by definition, independent from the mental objects that it observes. So becoming the Observer is rather like becoming the audience that watches a movie instead of becoming part of the movie.
So developing that relationship as the Observer is one of the primary teachings in Mindfulness Therapy. That's really important because if you identify with thoughts and emotional reactions then what that does is that it feeds those emotional formations and it tends to cause them to proliferate and to not resolve.
The second principle is that we can respond when we are not reacting to those emotions and help them heal. We can facilitate the healing process. And this is called the "response of compassion," which is an integral part of mindfulness practice. Mindfulness is much more than just becoming aware of experiences in the mind. It is about responding to those experiences in the mind with compassion and with friendliness and with those factors that promote healing.
Of course, when we encounter unpleasant emotions like fear and anger and shame or guilt or depression, we tend to fall into this trap of reacting with aversion. We push those unpleasant feelings away. This reactivity does nothing else than feed the emotions and prevents them from healing. So that's one of the primary reasons why we focus on developing a compassionate and friendly relationship with our emotions, because quite simply, they will not heal until you do that.
So after forming a non-reactive and friendly relationship with your anxiety or depression or with your guilt or shame or low self-esteem or anger or whatever it might be, when you can sit with that without reacting then you begin to explore what helps it change. And the primary mechanism through which emotions change is through changing their imagery.
So all emotions are based around imagery and it's when we can see this imagery and then help that imagery change that we can help the emotion heal. So working with imagery is another vital components of Mindfulness Therapy.
I will teach you all of these methods. I will teach you how to work with your emotions using mindfulness and I will teach you how to meditate on your emotions using Mindfulness. Meditation meditation is a very powerful method for developing these inner healing pathways based on conscious awareness, friendliness, compassion and non-reactive.
So when we apply mindfulness we are learning how to break free from the habits that sustain suffering and prevent its healing. And that's why it's so powerful.
So if you like the idea of Skype therapy and you like the idea of Mindfulness Therapy, then please reach out to me by email. Let us schedule Skype therapy session. I see people worldwide. Most of my clients live in America but I also see clients in Western Europe and as far away as South Korea and Australia.
Skype counseling therapy for anxiety and depression
Skype Therapy – The New Psychotherapy for Anxiety & Depression
Welcome! My name is Peter Strong. I'm a psychotherapist based in Colorado USA and I offer Skype therapy. This is a new and very exciting way to offer psychotherapy using Skype for the treatment of anxiety and depression and other emotional problems without using the clinical treatment-based methods that are so common, such as medication.
Medications are sometimes called for but usually don't really treat the underlying condition. Medications simply mask symptoms but they don't really treat the underlying anxiety or depression or other form of emotional suffering. So to do that we need to work on the mind using some form of psychotherapy or training, basically psychological training to address those underlying habitual formations that cause anxiety and depression.
So in my experience over the years now, I find that people really like the Skype therapy approach because it's clearly more convenient for you, but it's also less clinical. I find that the clinical approach is actually counterproductive in many cases because it tends to make people feel more like a victim; like going to a medical doctor for treatment for a medical condition. It tends to promote a certain helplessness that is not going to be very useful when you're working with anxiety or depression. You really need to feel more empowered and develop your inner strength to work with these emotions. And that's the focus of Skype therapy.
Now what is Skype therapy? Well it's simply delivering psychotherapy via Skype, but usually this non-clinical approach that I'm talking about. Now the particular kind of psychotherapy that I offer via Skype is called Mindfulness Therapy and this uses these very well tested and effective mindfulness-based methods for working with those psychological habits that cause your anxiety or depression.
So mindfulness is about developing a very conscious and non-reactive relationship with your emotions instead of trying to get rid of them or trying to avoid them or distract yourself away from your anxiety or depression or fear.
So basically if you develop a conscious relationship with your emotions they will heal much faster than if you try to avoid them. And in some ways medication is simply another form of avoidance. It's not really developing that conscious relationship with the mind. That is what is absolutely essential for healing.
So if you suffer from anxiety or depression then the way that we approach this is to turn our conscious awareness towards those emotions, towards those thoughts, towards the inner fear that is usually behind the emotional suffering and we form a conscious and friendly relationship with them.
So mindfulness has this quality of friendliness. It is not simply awareness. It is conscious awareness combined with a welcoming, open, kind quality of mind. That's very important for healing. Most of the inner fear that we experience remains locked up, remains frozen, because we tend to run away from it. We tend to isolate it and abandon that emotional suffering. But that's the last thing that we should be doing because what fear most needs is that quality of mind that is fearless and that is the mind that is mindful.
Mindfulness is fearlessness. It is choosing to be conscious and friendly and compassionate towards that fear. When you bring that quality of loving consciousness to fear, that promotes healing in a very effective way.
So we need to work at the emotional level and that's what Mindfulness Therapy really does. It works at the level of the fear itself that is powering the reactive thinking that feeds anxiety and depression.
If you would like to learn more about Skype therapy, do please contact me and let us schedule a Skype therapy session. All you need is a good internet connection, Skype and also PayPal to make secure online payments for your sessions and you can start with me. This approach is very effective indeed for just about everyone who wants to change who wants to really take control of their mental well-being and their mental health. This needs more consciousness from you rather than medications or treatment protocols that don't really empower you to help you learn how to manage your mind more effectively.
If you would like to get started please contact me. Thank you.
Welcome! My name is Peter Strong, and I am a professional psychotherapist. I live in Boulder, Colorado, and I offer Online Counseling via Skype. Skype Counseling is becoming increasingly popular, mostly because of the convenience, and it means that you can talk to a therapist, like me, from the comfort of your own home. And, this can be very important for people, especially if you are suffering from anxiety or agoraphobia, where it's really difficult to leave home. It is also very convenient for people who can't leave home for reasons such as having driving anxiety, or living in rural areas where it is difficult to travel from home to see a therapist, who may be many miles away.
So, the Skype Counseling option is a very good choice for many people. Also, if you are living abroad, Skype Counseling can be an excellent choice, and indeed, many of my clients are living abroad as expatriates, working abroad, sometimes in the Middle East, other times in foreign countries in Europe, where people do not speak English, and so it's very difficult to find a local therapist. So, the Online Counseling option becomes a very convenient choice.
The style of therapy that I offer online is called Mindfulness Therapy, and this is growing tremendously in popularity these days. And, it's really a way of working with your emotions in a very direct way, cultivating awareness and cultivating friendship towards your own emotions, developing a relationship with them that allows them to heal.
If you would like to learn more about Skype Counseling and Mindfulness Therapy, please visit my website and send me an email. I will be happy to answer your questions and schedule a Skype Counseling session with you. Thank you!
Therapy over Skype is both convenient and highly effective
There is now quite a lot of evidence from clinical trials showing that online therapy is just as effective as traditional in-person counseling, especially for the treatment of anxiety and depression. In my own experience as an online psychotherapist, I find online Skype therapy to be more effective, simply because clients feel more comfortable. The online format actually leads to a more relaxed relationship and this makes it easier for people to work with difficult and often painful emotions.
Welcome! My name is Peter Strong and I am a professional psychotherapist based in Boulder, Colorado, and I offer online therapy via Skype.
The style of therapy that I provide is called Mindfulness Therapy, which is extremely effective for working with all forms of anxiety disorders. During the online therapy sessions that I offer, I will teach you how to work with your anxiety or other emotional problems in a way that allows you to change the underlying core emotions that create the the emotional suffering for you.
Now, all anxiety reactions depend on a habit formation, that is where you become unaware of the process that produces the anxiety. The mindfulness approach that I teach in these online therapy sessions teaches you how to become aware of this habit and how to change this habit so that even if anxiety arises, you find that you do not get pulled in to becoming the anxiety, to becoming identified with that emotion. And, you change your relationship to the emotion so that you can hold the emotion within your awareness without becoming reactive, without feeding the problem. This is called developing independence from the emotion, and all successful therapy depends on doing this.
So, if you would like to learn more about how to change your relationship with your anxiety or panic attacks, or any other emotions, in a way that allows you to break free of the reactivity and allows you to create a relationship that allows the emotion to change and heal, please contact me. Visit my website and schedule an online therapy session with me. Thank you!
Talk to a Skype Therapist at a time convenient to you
Let a Skype therapist help you
Find out more about Skype Therapy for Anxiety and Depression
I am a professional psychotherapist. My specialty is Mindfulness Therapy, which I offer online via Skype. This approach is extremely effective for the treatment of anxiety disorders and for the resolution of chronic depression and also provides an interesting alternative for addiction counseling. During these online therapy sessions, I will work with you as an online therapist, teaching you effective strategies for managing difficult emotions. The primary cause of emotional suffering is reactive thinking, patterns of habitual reactive thinking that become activated either through inner thoughts or through external conditions and these reactive patterns of thinking tend to proliferate and feed the underlying emotion. This is what we work on changing during therapy sessions using the techniques of Mindfulness Therapy as our primary method. You will quickly learn how to better manage your habitual thinking and how to stop the habitual psychological process that feeds those underlying emotional reactions. Most clients see quite dramatic changes within 3 to 6 Skype sessions. Each session is usually 60-90 minutes long, and we can find a time that fits your schedule, if I have spaces available. All you need is a quiet room for your session, Skype, and PayPal to make online payments after each therapy session. So, if you want to learn more about the advantages of online therapy, please contact me. Email me to learn more about this online counseling therapy service and find out more about how it can help you better manage your difficult emotions. DISCOVER MORE ABOUT ONLINE THERAPY WITH A PSYCHOTHERAPIST VIA SKYPE
Visit my YouTube Channel to watch more videos about this Online Therapy Service: Your inquiries are very welcome.
Skype Therapy – Online Therapy using Skype
Skype Therapy – Online Therapy using Skype. Visit: to schedule a Skype therapy session with Dr. Peter Strong, specialist in online Mindfulness Therapy for overcoming anxiety and depression.
Welcome! My name is Peter Strong. I'm a professional psychotherapist based in Colorado and I offer psychotherapy via Skype worldwide, including North America, Western Europe and as far away as Japan.
So I'm often asked what is Skype therapy? Well really, Skype therapy simply refers to psychotherapy that's offered via Skype. That's all. It could be any kind of psychotherapy that works well online.
We use Skype because Skype allows you to see each other and that has proven to be effective and essential for good psychotherapy. You must see each other to be able to communicate effectively. So that's why we use Skype. We can also use Face Time or zoom or other Internet protocols as well, but Skype is very convenient, it's very easy to install and works very well, as long as you have a good Internet connection. It's perfectly satisfactory. So that's Skype therapy. It simply is psychotherapy delivered via Skype.
Now I specialize in Mindfulness Therapy, which I offer online via Skype. I find it to be extremely effective for managing anxiety and depression and most other emotional problems that you may be struggling with.
And that is a very big part of mindfulness training, learning to cultivate and reinforce and strengthen that relationship between your True Self, The Observer, and the emotion itself. So that is a very important inner relationship that we built up, very much the equivalent of building a relationship between a parent and a child. In order for the child to grow up in a healthy way and to resolve its suffering it has to develop a strong relationship with its parent and that relationship becomes the foundation for the child as it develops its own inner parent, if you like, its own inner True Self that can heal its own suffering.
So developing this internal compassionate relationship is an essential part of the healing process.
So we work on developing an objective relationship that is non-reactive, we look at the imagery of the emotion, and we develop a relationship based on compassion. These are the three main areas that we work on and this approach is very effective. Most people see dramatic changes after the first three or four sessions with me once you start applying these mindfulness-based methods.
So if you would like to get started with me and you would like to schedule some Skype therapy sessions, then please contact me and let's find a time that works for you and we can get started. Even at the very first session you will see some dramatic improvements.
So Skype therapy is a very exciting way of getting access to different kinds of psychotherapy including the Mindfulness Therapy methods that I have developed. So if you would like to schedule Skype therapy session, please go to my website and let us schedule one now. Thank you.
Skype Therapy – Effective Psychotherapy for Anxiety & Depression
Welcome! My name is Peter Strong. I'm a professional psychotherapist and I've developed a system of psychotherapy called Mindfulness Therapy, which is extremely effective for treating anxiety and depression without resorting to medications.
Medications may have their place but really medications are designed to simply suppress the symptoms of anxiety or depression. Medications will not treat the underlying cause of your anxiety and depression and the underlying cause is in the vast majority of cases psychological in nature is due to patterns of habitual reactive thinking and emotional reactivity and blind beliefs hand emotional trauma that all have come together to create a mental formation that we call anxiety or depression.
When you start to examine these emotions you will find they are made up of lots and lots of smaller emotions of all different types. And one of the most important ways to heal anxiety and depression is to learn to deconstruct these large aggregates of conditioned reactive experiences.
So thoughts feed anxiety and depression. Rumination feeds these emotional states. Rumination is a process in which we just continually churn over thoughts, worry thoughts, negative thoughts, that simply feed the underlying emotion and it operates unconsciously as a habit. And really I think it's best to describe anxiety and depression as simply habits rather than some sort of medical disorder that needs medication or other medical treatment.
For most people anxiety and depression are habits. They are habits that get started in childhood and because we're not very conscious, not very aware of this underlying process that's going on in our mind, we simply become slaves to that conditioning. The whole purpose of mindfulness psychotherapy is to uncover these habits and change these habits and heal the underlying emotions that are fueling those habits.
And that is the first part of mindfulness therapy, is learning to see your emotions very clearly and to see the component parts: the reactive thoughts, the reactive emotions and also the reactive behaviors that feed those emotions.
When you can start to see them clearly you begin to have the possibility of changing those habits. If you are not conscious of the habit it cannot change, it basically will continue to run indefinitely. But the moment you bring conscious awareness to them, then change becomes very possible.
Even the simple action of cultivating becoming the observer of your emotions has the effect of disengaging you from that habitual reactive process because when you become the observer, that observing consciousness is not the same as the thing that's being observed, the emotion. We refer to those as mental objects. They are content in the mind, but that observing presence is not the content of the mind. It sees the content but it is not itself content. And this shift in consciousness, the mindfulness shift, is extremely important and powerful in breaking the psychological habits.
If you'd like to learn more about how to work with your anxiety or depression or other emotional suffering using the methods of Mindfulness Therapy, as I have developed them over the last 10 to 15 years now, then do please contact me. Let's schedule a trial therapy session over skype so you can see for yourself how this approach can work for you.
Most people see quite extraordinary improvements within a few sessions once they start to understand these principles of how to work with your emotions and how to overcome these unconscious emotional habits that feed your emotional suffering.
So do please contact me and let's schedule a Skype therapy session. I work with people throughout North America and Europe and worldwide. All you need is a good internet connection and Skype, which is free to download, very effective and very confidential. Skype is encrypted. It's very secure and probably more secure than a telephone line or many other forms of online communication. So if you would like to get started, please contact me and let's schedule a session.
I provide online psychotherapy via Skype for help with anxiety, depression, PTSD and addictions using Mindfulness Therapy.
Go to to learn more and feel free to contact me if you are looking for an online therapist who specializes in Mindfulness Therapy.
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