
See an Online Psychotherapist for OCD

 See an Online Psychotherapist for OCD via Skype

Online Mindfulness Therapy via Skype for Overcoming Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) and Intrusive Overthinking without relying on anti-anxiety medications and antidepressants

Mindfulness Therapy provides an excellent therapeutic approaches for freeing yourself from intrusive thoughts and compulsive behaviors by teaching you how to work with OCD thoughts and impulses using mindfulness

To break free from the OCD and obsessive-intrusive thoughts you MUST learn how to neutralize the underlying emotion, usually fear, that fuels intrusive thoughts and compulsive behaviors

This is the primary focus of Mindfulness-based Exprosure Therapy for OCD


Watch this video and contact me if you are looking for online help for OCD

Get started with online therapy for OCD via Skype

Talk to an online therapist over Skype for help with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

During our Skype therapy sessions I will teach you how to neutralize intrusive thoughts and emotions using the techniques of Mindfulness Therapy.

Welcome! My name is Peter Strong. I'm a professional psychotherapist and I offer online Mindfulness Therapy via Skype for the treatment of anxiety, depression addictions and particularly for help with obsessive-compulsive disorder. 

So this is very common. It's a very common problem. It's very distressing for many people. And this is something that responds very well to the techniques of Mindfulness Therapy. If you're interested in seeing an online therapist for OCD then please reach out to me. Contact me and schedule a therapy session via Skype for your OCD. 

So the principle of Mindfulness Therapy is learning how to work with these intrusive thoughts and compulsive impulses. Mindfulness is a way of changing the relationship that you have to intrusive thoughts and emotions in general. It overcomes this habit of becoming reactively identified with thoughts and emotions. This is the primary problem with OCD. 

The thoughts get triggered and they appear in the mind. And then we simply become completely overwhelmed by them. We become identified with and become become consumed by the thought. And then it tends to propagate and produce even more thoughts, and that feeds the underlying anxiety that fuels the obsessive thoughts. 

Working with intrusive OCD thoughts using Mindfulness Meditation

So the first step in Mindfulness Therapy is learning and retraining yourself to sit with a thought consciously, but without becoming identified with it and without becoming reactive. The process for doing this is meditation. 

You learn to meditate on those thoughts. People think that meditation is about escaping from the mind and thoughts, and it's not. That is not the kind of meditation that I teach. 

So mindfulness meditation is about learning to establish balance in the mind so that you can be free from emotional suffering no matter what thoughts arise in the mind. That's the primary focus for mindfulness meditation: freedom. 

So that's the first part of the training and I will teach you how to do this and you will learn how to meditate on your intrusive thoughts and how to re-establish this balance so that they do not overwhelm you.

You need to learn to develop a compassionate and friendly relationship with your intrusive thoughts. If you try to avoid your thoughts or suppress them or run away from them or even distract yourself from them this will have the effect of reinforcing those thoughts, and more importantly, reinforcing the fear underneath those thoughts. 

In mindfulness work we develop this inner fearlessness. This is what we call your True Self and the True Self is really nothing more than the observer within you that we train to sit with that thought or series of thoughts or to sit with the fear and not react to it. 

So the emotion of fear, like any other emotion, is based around imagery. You can explore changing the imagery so that the fear resolves itself. This is a very important part of Mindfulness Therapy that we call mindfulness-based imagery reprocessing. 

It Is the same process that we use when we're working with PTSD and recovering from very distressing, traumatic memories. Same process exactly. You look at the imagery itself, how it works and then we explore changing that imagery into a form that no longer triggers emotional trauma. 

Contact me for help with OCD and intrusive thoughts

If you'd like to get started with me and schedule some online therapy sessions via Skype, then please contact me and let's set up a session. The mindfulness approach is really effective for working with intrusive and distressing thoughts and OCD. 

So most people who I work with see quite remarkable changes within three or four sessions. Once you start learning how to apply mindfulness yourself to work with your fear and with the thoughts you'll rapidly see progress, and that's the focus of Mindfulness Therapy. 

I will teach you how to work with your emotions and thoughts more effectively, to give you the tools to overcome OCD and anxiety. 

So please contact me if you'd like to get started and you would like to overcome your OCD using Mindfulness Therapy. Thank you. 


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